
Pumpkin Scissors One-Shot

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Literature Text

"How dare he be this late!?" Alice shouted glaring at the clock. Oreldo kept his head down, scared because Alice sounded even more angry than ever before.
"I-I'm sure that he just got hung-up somewhere, Miss Alice." Lili tried to get Alice to calm down.
"Yeah well he's late too much!"
"He lives under the bridge, he doesn't have an alarm clock." Oreldo yawns, stretching out.
"A true soldier doesn't need an alarm clock!" Alice shouts while pointing her dagger/sword towards Oreldo. Oreldo opens one eye and looks at Alice.
"Calm down would ya? I've got a headache."
"Meaning you got drunk last night! Why should I be any quieter when its your own fault!?"
"because I wasn't drinking last night Miss Presumptuous. I just couldn't sleep and now I'm here, in the bright light, staring at white papers, and listening to you yell all the time." Martis sighs and then stands up.
"While we've got the time, please excuse me I'm going to go to the mensroom." Martis says walking towards the door. Once he opens it, Randel comes charging in.
"I'm sorry I'm late." Randel walks in. but there are the sounds of two pairs of walking feet.
"Whoa, who's that?" Oreldo asks looking past Randel partially towards a girl behind Randel.
"She's a girl who I found sleeping next to me when I woke up this morning. She hasn't talked yet. And she keeps following me everywhere."
"First the baby and now her?" Alice asks, whether she's aggravated or intrigued, its hard to tell.
"Gosh, she sure is cute." Martis sighs.
"yeah like a little chibi character." Lili walks up first and smiles at the girl. The girl hides behind Randel shyly. "So you don't know her name?"
"Hmm…well we can't just keep calling her that girl…" Lili says thoughtfully. "she looks like…a…Jamison…" the girl peaks her head around from behind Randel. "Do you like that name?" Lili asks.
"No." 'Jamison' says shaking her head.
"geh-!?" Lili's eyes begin to fill with tears. But she pushes them away as Randel leans down in front of 'Jamison'.
"You just talked. I've been talking to you since I woke up to find you. Why haven't you talked to me yet?"
"Maybe you scare the words out of her." Oreldo laughs. Randel glances over at Oreldo, then back at 'Jamison' with a slight frown on his face.
~I feel like I know you, why do I keep getting the feeling that we've met before?~ Randel silently asks himself. "How old are you?" No response. "What's your name?" 'Jamison starts to motion with her hands. "G-get me some paper and a pen." Randel says to no one in particular. Lili is the only one to move, everyone else is looking at each other in confusion. Lili hands the piece of paper to Randel and then runs off to find a pen. 'Jamison' pauses every now and then and coughs a few times.
"I-I can't find one!"
"Here." Oreldo sighs, handing 'Jamison' a pen. 'Jamison' lays down on the floor and begins to write. The moment is tense.
After she is done writing she hands it to Randel who reads it aloud. "My name is Kaminari Oland. I am eighteen years old and I love cats. I was freezing last night. When I found you, I found warmth. I can't talk, I have terrible cold. I am afraid of it getting worse. I am sorry to cause such a fuss, you must have a very important job to do and I'm just being a bother. So I bid thee goodbye." Randel stopped and looked up to see her turning the corner to walk out.
"Whoa! She's eighteen!?" Oreldo said, completely shocked.
"did she say her name was Kaminari Oland?"
~A cold?~ Randel sits there and listens to the constant yammering between the party members. Kaminari, down the hallway a ways, starts coughing again. This time more violent. The coughing stops suddenly with a choke and a thud. "Kaminari!" Randel shouts jumping up and running down the end of the hall to the side of the small dark headed girl collapsed on the ground. Alice was right behind him.
"She's fainted." Alice said.
"Oh well…guess we'll have to carry her to the hospital." Oreldo shrugs walking forward. Randel puts his arm out in front of Oreldo to stop him.
"No. I will carry her."
"Who says you get to?" Oreldo pouts slightly.
"She found me, and I feel like I know her." Randel says and bends down and picks her up gently. He places a hand in front of her mouth, his eyes widen. "She's not breathing!" Before waiting for anyone else he takes off down the hallway with her in arms.
"H-hey wait up!" but it was too late. Corporal's long legs were already down the hall and out the front doors and down the block before they could catch up.

*A change of POV*
Sitting in the waiting area seemed like it was never going to end. I stared at the floor in front of me intensely. As I listened to the clock as it ticked every second away of the minuet, then the hour. When the doctor steps out of the doorway, I stand to great him. Alice stands also. Oreldo is dozing so he doesn't even notice. Martis stands when he looks up from the book he's reading, then kicks Oreldo.
"Huh? What?" Oreldo asks dumbly as he wakes up. Martis stares at him. "Oh, right." Oreldo stands too. "we're right behind you, Big Guy." Oreldo says slapping me on the back. I turn my head and try to smile but it comes out a failure.
"Are you uh…Mr. Oland?" he asked, looking up at me with wide eyes.
"Yes sir." I nod.
"You're with Miss Kaminari?"
"Yes sir."
"Miss Kaminari seems as though she has bacterial pneumonia."
"pn-pneumonia?" I ask, the worry clearly heard in my voice because Alice steps forward.
"It can easily be treated with antibiotics, am I correct doctor?"
"See? Oland, Kaminari is going to be alright." Alice put her hand on my arm. I had the urge to move away but I didn't and I just stood there. Wracking my brain.
~Why do I feel so worried? Why do I feel like she's my responsibility? I know I feel that way about the cats. I know I felt that way about the baby. But why this little girl who only came to me for warmth? Maybe she's alone in this world like I was. Maybe she's suppose to be with me. Maybe I'm suppose to help her. How am I suppose to know?~
"Oland?" Alice asked stepping in front of me. "Why the long face? You've just won yourself a little sister." Alice smiles and pulls me by my arm towards the room with Kaminari in it.
"And I won myself a way into her heart." Oreldo said walking faster than me. I glanced over at him, feeling a pang of protection, but I pushed it aside.
~I shouldn't feel like that anyway~ I thought to myself as we walked into the cramped room, all at once. I stared at her. ~So peaceful. So innocent. How come I want to make sure she stays that way?~ I stepped up, hesitatingly reaching my hand out. Without paying attention, I bumped into the bed and made it make this terrible noise and move slightly. I winced at the noise and watching her I saw her open her eyes. She blinked slowly and then weakly turned her head towards us. Her eyes locked with mine. Then she closed her eyes and tears began to run down her cheeks. "I-I'm sorry." I leaned down onto my knees to be more on her level. "I didn't mean to hurt you." Kaminari slowly shakes her head, then moves her hand out and touches my face. She mouths 'You came' then closed her eyes again and went back to sleep. Her tears still falling from her eyes.
~Okay…I'm confused…~
"Wha?" Oreldo seemed to be as confused as I was. I noticed to my right that Martis was standing there, looking back and forth between me and Kaminari.
"Has anyone else noticed the similarities between Kaminari and The Corporal?"
"huh?" I look over at Martis with a dumbfounded expression.
"You both have the same color hair, the same color eyes. She maybe tiny compared to you but your facial structure is about the same as hers."
"Are you saying that Kaminari might actually be…" Lili said, who we didn't know followed us there.
"the Big Guy's daughter!" Oreldo busts out laughing. My first reaction is to put my hand over his mouth, and without thinking, I did.
"She's not my daughter." I whispered. ~but I am positive that I know her. I just don't know how.~
"What about little sister, rather, Oreldo-baka." Alice said flipping him in the back of the head.
"Ow." Oreldo rubbed the back of his head. "Hmmm…the Big Guy's sister." Oreldo mumbled rubbing his chin in thought. "I'm not sure I like that idea." I ignored Oreldo, as I stared at Kaminari.
~Is she really my sister? I feel so horrible that I don't remember her.~ Reaching forward absently, I brush some of her black and white hair out of her face. My gigantic hand against her petite head made me feel barbaric. I recoiled thinking of how scary I must seem to her.
"Oland?" Alice asked, leaning down beside me. "What's up? What're you thinking about?" She pulls me out of my daze, I realize I'm staring at my hands. I look up at her.
"Oh, ma'am, sorry. I'm sure we have things to do and I've brought you all here." I go to stand but she places a hand on my shoulder.
"Corporal, stay here. She needs you. I'm giving you the day off." Alice says, smiling. I smile a little back and nod.
"Yes ma'am."
"We promise not to have too much fun without you." Oreldo says, turning to walk out with his hands folded behind his head in a relaxed position. I smile softly.
"mhm." I nod and everyone turns and leaves. I lean back against the other bed, staring at Kaminari still. "Will you be okay? Will I ever get the chance to talk to you? To figure things out? Are you really my little sister?" I closed my eyes and leaned my head back and dozed off.
I woke up suddenly with teeth in my skull. "…Mercury…" I grumbled trying to pull him off of my head. I remembered where I was and tried to keep quiet. I finally got him off, but the back of my head was bleeding. "…great…" I said in a long drawn out way. "What do you need Mercury?" I ask pulling the cap off of the messenger bottle around his neck. I unwound the piece of paper. In Oreldo handwriting, it was scribbled, 'Could really use your muscles right now, Big Guy.' My breath got caught in my throat. How could I have been so stupid? Letting them go out on their own. I got up, glanced down at Kaminari and watched for a moment how her chest was moving. ~At least she's breathing~ I tell myself. ~I'll be back before you even wake up~ I thought and moved swiftly out of the room and down the hallway. Little did I know what was going to happen.

I ran to where they were without stopping. I was slightly out of breath but I was there. I looked around, not sure of where they would be. ~I don't even know what the assignment was~ I hear rustling and duck behind a stack of crates. I hear Oreldo's voice.
"Why are you so angry, Lutineant? I just sent Mercury for a little help."
"I told him he had the day off. And that may possibly his little sister who seems like she's come a long way from wherever she's from. And she's sick. This very well be the little while he has with her. Who knows? I don't. And another reason I'm angry is because you went behind my back to do it! And-" I step out from behind the crate and touch Alice on the shoulder. She kind of jumps and turns around. "Oland."
"Ma'am, what do you need my help with?" I asked saluting.
"Its just some heavy lifting, you didn't have to come all the way out here. Oreldo's just a wimp." Alice said with her arms crossed.
"Really?" I slump my arms and tilt my head to the side.
"Hey, I never said anyone was dieing or anything, did I?"
"Then don't assume that." Oreldo said, putting his hands behind his head in that relaxed state again.
"Oland, go back to the hospital. That's an order." Alice smiles slightly.
~Man I gotta run all the way back to the hospital? Its worth it.~ "Yes ma'am." I salute again and turn to hightail it when I hear Martis yell and then a big THUMP. I turned around again and went after the sound, to find Martis underneath a crate on the grass. I jog over and pick the crate up easily. "Are you okay?" I ask after putting the crate to the side and bending next to him.
"I don't think anything's broken." Martis said.
"That's good."
"Oland!" Alice shouted. "I thought I told you to go back to the hospital."
"Yes ma'am."

*A change of POV*
Its hard to breathe again. It keeps coming in waves, each time getting worse. I couldn't move in fear that it was my last. I couldn't open my eyes in fear that it would be my last glance. ~Open your eyes you sissy. Look at your brother. You love him, remember?~ I thought to myself toughly. It took a lot of strength just to open my eyes. My heart sank low. ~He's not…here…~ The dried tears from before were replaced with new ones. ~How could I be so stupid? He doesn't know me. I just come out of no where and cause him troubles. What is wrong with me? Maybe I should just die. I could have him in my life in my second life.~

*Change of POV*
I kept running, and running and running. ~God how far away was that place?~ I breathe heavily. Upon finally reaching the door of Kaminari's room. I find the bed empty. Frantically, I look around trying to find someone. "E-excuse me?" I grab a hold of a woman's arm.
"Oh Randel, what're you doing here?" the girl asked.
"The little girl that was in this bed, not an hour ago. Where is she?" I ask. The smile on her face fades quickly and she looks away.
"She's…in the morgue. She stopped breathing and they couldn't get her back." The hallway around me started to spin, I dropped to my knees. "R-Randel? Randel!?" My vision blurred and I passed out.

*A Change of POV*
"What did he do to himself this time?" I asked, marching into the hospital. "Can't let anyone else be in the hospital without being in this hospital himself, eh?" I walk in to the front desk and slam my hands against the desk. "Randel Oland! Which room!?" The receptionist is wide eyed.
"room 243"
"Thank you!" And I march down the hallway, thoroughly pissed. ~He's such an idiot. Why didn't he take a car to the site? He probably dehydrated himself and passed out. Dumby, idiot, moron.~
"Lieutenant? Lieutenant? Miss A-Alice?" Martis finally gets my attention.
"Think for a moment, room 243. That was Kaminari's room." My eyes grow wide.
~No~ I turn and jog down the hallway from then on, I slide to a stop in front of the room and slam the door open.
"Could you be more careful Lieutenant?" Martis asks. I glare at him. "S-sorry."
"Corporal? Corporal?" I ask more quietly as I approach him. "Oland?" I start to get louder. "Randel!" I'm now leaning over him. He jerks up, I managed to move out of the way. The shocked expression on his face turns to sadness again as he looks around the room.
"She's gone." Randel said quietly.
"We figured that out." Oreldo said.
"Shut up, Oreldo, this is your fault in the first place!" I shouted. "Corporal, ahem…Randel… There's nothing you could have done to help her." I say, taking Randel's hand, trying to comfort him.
"Yeah right." He says quietly. "I could have done something. I left her alone when she was almost nine. She was almost eighteen. I didn't protect her. She got sick because she was looking for me. I didn't go back and get her when I could have."
~I've never seen…this side of him…he's so depressed.~
"I didn't even remember her." I couldn't think of anything else to say except 'You'll see her again' so I said it. He remained quiet, with his head down.
~I don't know what to do~ I froze.
"Corporal?" Lili asked making her way through the barrage of people. Randel looked up. "I don't think that Kaminari would have wanted you to be this gloomy. And Miss Alice is right, you will see her again. We all will." Lili's innocent smile made a part of Randel smile slightly.

*A change in POV*
I lay in my sleeping bag in the alley, like normal. They let me out of the hospital with a stern warning. ~I wanted to get out, and away from that crazy nurse.~ I sighed, fitting my hands at the back of my head like Oreldo does all the time. I stare at the brick road on top of my head. Dead silent in the night. My thoughts are too loud, I cover my face with my blankets hoping they'll go away. I hear a cat meow, but its different from the rest of the meows I hear every night. It was a beckoning meow. Like she was calling out for someone. I turn my head to see a cat, black and white hair with the same dark eyes. I reach out and the cat approaches and rubs her face on my hand. "Hey there Kaminari." She licked my hand and purred as she laid down on my chest, curled up and fell asleep. "Lili was right." I close my own eyes and fall asleep. She kept me warm this time.

The End
eh, I was bored and I love Randel. Kaminari is not me. She's just a character I made up because well...there's just not enough Pumpkin Scissors love here in America. anywho, I hope you Pumpkin Scissors fans like it, if not its because you're stupid. lol jk
© 2010 - 2024 KyokoHatake
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